Adryana H

a Kenyan male with black hair and a black and grey shirt
CV Resume

CS PhD Student at GWU
Pronouns: She/Her

Email: adryana.hutchinson AT gwu DOT edu

Research Interests: Usable Security, Privacy, Accessibility, and HCI



About Me

I am a first-year PhD student with the GWUSEC Lab at The George Washington University, where I am advised by Adam Aviv. I'm broadly interested in understanding how both physical and digital security devices are used by people with disabilities, and how they can be designed more universally. Other issues in usable security, such as authentication, password managers/policies, human factors in security and privacy adoption, and the growing prevalence of surveillance technology, are also things I'm interested in.
I recieved my undergraduate degree from Clark University, where I majored in Computer Science and Philosophy. During my undergrad, I conducted research with Peter Story on usable security and password managers.

Recent News

  • March 2024: Our LBW on PM checkup tools has been accepted into CHI!
  • Januarary 2024: Our paper on PM usability has been accepted into USEC!
  • November 2023: Attended CCS in Copenhagen, Denmark!

  • Select Publications

    Measuring the Prevalence of Password Manager Issues Using In-Situ Experiments
    Adryana Hutchinson, Jinwei Tang, Adam J. Aviv, Peter Story
    USEC 2024 [URL] [PDF]


    The Usability of Whistleblowing Software
    Adryana Hutchinson, Dr. Peter Story

    ClarkFEST '23 [pdf]